Sunday, December 22, 2013


Well finals finished this past Thursday and I have been home for two days now and I LOVE it! Besides loving the fact that I'm not studying, going to class, and taking tests…..I'm loving being with my family! I honestly, hands down, have the coolest and most amazing siblings and parents EVER! They seriously are pretty awesome! If you haven't met them…you should. I just wanted to tell the world how great they are! I also wanted to say, that if you haven't been able to go to a Christmas church meeting or Christmas devotional, you really should. Today I went to one with my family, and there was a lot of beautiful music and two great talks! But another reason it was special was cause I got to hear my amazing lil sis play her violin, and my mom accompany the choir on her flute. They both are really talented! It was great and I felt so calm and peaceful. I love this time of year, it makes me stop and realize (more than usual) how blessed I am and helps me better look at the little things in life. 
Life is GREAT! 

Friday, December 13, 2013


Hope = Doing well on an Exam right before finals. We can do it! 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Have you ever had a weird desire to paint with your hair? 
If not watch this video:

Yeah, pretty amazing right? Since the first time I saw that video I have always wanted to 
*whip* my hair back and forth with paint in it! haha!
Call me crazy, but I think it's truly fantastic! 
I live with some awesome girls, and it just so happens 2 of them have always had the same dream! 
So my awesome hall activities leader planned an activity for us!!! 
Here are some pics:

 {The process}
{Some of my attractive hall mates}
 {My hair…I decided if I ever dye it, it'll be blue;)}

 {This picture>>>> (Katie is a great photo-bomber)}
{A "stamp" I made with my hair!!!}

So I feel like I should warn anyone who does this activity, that the paint takes a few washes to come out, especially if you have blonde hair….you can ask Katie :P 
But it was a blast and every girl and boy with long hair should try it!!!:) 

Thanksgiving Lovin

Hey hey hey! Sorry I didn't post anything after the 26th!  
Going home for Thanksgiving just made my schedule a little crazier! haha! 
Can I just say: I LOVED GOING HOME!!!! 
My family is amazing and I loved catching up with my friends! It was a great break from school too!!!! But now getting back into the swing of school……
(I already have a countdown to when I get to go home! 17 days!!) 
Did I already say how amazing my family is? Well they are! My mom just loves each one of us kids and my brother…..he's like any older brother;) I love him though! haha and dang! Let's just say my little sister isn't that little anymore. She is too cute for herself!!!:) And My pops! I am so grateful for his job and how helpful he is to me! 
I can't wait till I get to see my older sis and her fan bam at Christmas time! 
Well back to studying and all that other jazz!:)


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I am grateful for my life. friends. family. and happiness.

Friday November 22nd: Dancing. and friends that also love to dance!

Saturday November 23rd: ALL of the girls who live in my dorm hall!!! I love them sooo much!!! 

(We painted with our hair…and it was a blast!!! check some photos out at: You may have to become friends with me…
but I can send you them if you want!:))

Sunday November 24th: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and once again all my friends and family who help me and listen to me!

Monday November 25th: I am grateful for finishing art projects on time and having positive feedback about them.:)

Tuesday November 26th: Planes. So I can get home quicker to my amazing family!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013


No excuses. I know……but. I am a very busy little girl! 

Saturday November 9th: I am grateful for my AMAZINGLY TALENTED little sister!!! She did so well on her solo with the Symphony of the Southwest.

Sunday November 10th: My amazing family and my Dad's job, so that I can fly home and surprise my family, and my WONDERFUL roommate who picked me up from the airport and is a great example to me! (she is going to Chile Antofagasta on her mission for the LDS church!!!!:))

Monday November 11th: Understanding teachers

Tuesday November 12th: TIME! I love it when I have enough time to get everything done! 

Wednesday November 13th: TA Study sessions

Thursday November 14th: Going to bed early… :)

Friday November 15th: Parents who talk and comfort me. 

Saturday November 16th: Great friends that I can have fun with and are wonderful influences to me.:) (and football)

Sunday November 17th: Surprisingly, snow and rain:) 

Monday November 18th: Classes that get cancelled! 

Tuesday November 19th: Art! Creating it and looking at it. 

Wednesday November 20th: Movies and T.V: a great way to relax.

Thursday November 21st: When you only buy 1 drumstick from the vending machine, but 2 fall out!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013


So, the update on my thankfulness!:)

Thursday November 7th: I had the funniest comment…..but then forgot to post it…….so now I forgot it……Just know that it was great and I was thankful for it!:) haha! I'll just say that I'm grateful for sticky notes and the people around me who have a better memory than me. ;)

Friday November 8th: I am grateful for legs and my body. I love to dance! I had the wonderful opportunity to go to a military dance with my friend Cam, who is a great dancer!

PS. I realized when you notice the little blessings in your life, life gets that much better! :) 
Lovin Life! Don't forget to smile today!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I love November because everyone shares what they're Grateful for.

Grateful. I am Grateful for literally EVERYTHING!!!!! I love everything! I feel like I could list at least 50 things right here in this short sitting…and I am grateful that I can do that;) haha! But today I am going to have to say:

I am grateful for random fun packages from friends back home and the love they show and send me. And I am grateful for the Gospel which brings people together! (Btw CAYLA GOT HER MISSION CALL!!!!! She's opening it Sunday! Can't wait!!!:))

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Sooooo….I missed the first four days of November….BUT, I will just make up for it today! I have decided to post something I'm thankful for every day!
(What happens in my day will probably influence what I say) 

Friday November 1st: Amazing friends who will help me study, eat and make food with me, and watch a movie!

Saturday November 2nd: TA's that do study sessions (haha!) and Some wonderful Hall Roomies who will take breaks and watch silly movies with me when our brains can't handle studying any more. 

Sunday November 3rd: The Gospel! It has gotten me through every moment in my life! And SNOW! We had our first Snow on Sunday!

Monday November 4th: My Ah-mazingly wonderful roommate Cayla! We can talk about anything and everything! (I can't wait to figure out where she is going on her mission!)

Tuesday November 5th: Food. I seriously would've died today without it. And I can't wait to go eat dinner!:)

What are you grateful for? 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Strip Skirt

Don't read to far into that title! haha! 
I just finished sewing a skirt and it's all made out of strips of fabric!
It was pretty easy to make, just time consuming... 
I am really happy with how it turned out! 
{The blue fabric has lighthouses and mini sailboats on it. 
and then the red has life-savers on it!}

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Canvas Painting

Well, all I have been doing for the past week that I've been home is hanging with the fambam and friends, running errands, and crafting! Here are two canvas's that I just finished! 
I painted them both with Acrylic Paint
 {Made it out of dots(end of a paint brush) and I ended up giving it to my Great-Aunt Ann}

{For this painting I used real leaves from the front yard, painted them, and pressed them. 
I made this one for my mom}

Monday, August 19, 2013

Reading Edenbrooke

OH MY GOLLY! I could not even wait one minute to tell y'all about the book I just finished reading!!! It is Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson. Maybe it's that I haven't read in awhile, or that I'm a helpless romantic, or that I just got wayy to into it....but I LOVED IT!!!! Highly recommend! I'll admit I even shed a tear for a fictional character...and I don't cry.....But yeah. It's totally worth reading! Especially if you're in a sappy mood and need some type of love story in your life! :) 

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Wanna know why?! Well, I get to go home in exactly 6 days and see my family and stay in my house! haha! I am super psyched! :) I have missed laughing with my family, doing crafts with my mom, cooking in the kitchen, and surprisingly, missed my dad's lectures. says the definition of Excite is: to arouse or stir up the emotions or feelings. 

And that is how I am feeling! :) 
What are you feeling excited about? 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

First day of the month!

Well it's August first everyone! Crazy right?! Fall semester will be starting for everyone within the next month! I can't believe I have less than 2 weeks (13 days to be exact) of summer term for college left. It's pretty ridiculous! I have been loving every moment of it! I love my classes, and all of the people I have met! I am so sad to be leaving them between summer and fall, and I'll especially miss all my friends goin on their missions. It is amazing how many people are willing to go serve the Lord. I am so impressed! I have loved everything about BYU. I am so pleased and happy that I came here. 

So I've been thinking, which isn't always a good thing. haha! But I'm going to try and blog once a week. We'll see if I can do it! :) Please also check out the blogs I follow! I love the girls who do them so much! Have a great 1st week of August!!!!!!! :)  

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Line Turtle

Oh Golly. College has been keeping me busy! I love it though! 
I just thought I'd post some pics of my most recent project in my art class. 
We had to interpret a picture and "remake" it only using lines. :)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Magnet Board

My mom invited me to a church activity and I made this super cute magnet board!  

It was also really easy! I don't know where they bought the board, but its probably really easy to find, its just a sheet of thin metal, and then you decoupage/modge podge the paper (floral) on to the board, and then do the same to the bigger sheet and put it on top of the others. Then you just put some type of trim or ribbon and I put a bow to add decoration on to it.;) Some ladies did buttons. And then you can glue cute buttons on magnets! 
I'm going to use mine as a dorm door hanger to leave notes and such on. Or as a remember board. :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bows Bows and more Bows

The new "in" thing is to create bows, so I had to too..... :)

They're actually pretty easy! My friend Shannon taught me how to make them, 
and there is probably a youtube video or someone else has a step by step guide, but I can post one if y'all want one. Just comment and let me know!

If you're feeling bored this summer, these bows are a must have! 
As soon as you start, you won't want to stop.

Crayon Art

I had to give it a try! I wanted to do it, ever since I heard about it, and now I have!!!! :)

First I tried the glue the crayons on, then blow dry them so they drip!
(I like this way!) I also saw where they take the crayons off afterwards or they have the crayon on it only halfway...I personally like the crayons shown...and I didn't run into any problem.

 *I gave this one to my lil sis!

Second, I decided to unwrap the crayon and then heat it up and move the crayon and direct the heat from the blow dryer on it at different angles to make it turn out how I wanted. (idea came from my friend Kaylee) I wanted to make it look "atmospherical."

 (I used blues, purple, black, grey, and white) *I'm taking this one to college!

Third! (I know 3, sorry!) :P So this one, I took 2 different color green crayons and unwrapped them, but held them at the top of the canvas so the crayon would melt down in a "straight" line, and then after, while the crayon was still hot, I would make a few lines of my own. I turned the canvas around so it would look like flower stems and grass, and then I glued fake flowers onto it!

Try it! I dare you;) It's a blast! Just make sure to cover the surrounding area so it doesn't get everywhere!

You'll figure it out as you go:)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I got a little crafty with the sewing machine

Hey Hey Hey! 
So, since it's summer break, I thought I'd have fun crafting! 
The first of my crafts I sewed! 
And, since I start school soon, I thought I should better post some pictures!!

I first made this super cute pencil skirt out of elephant fabric. 
It passes my knees, and yes my mom did help me put the zipper on like that to make it look super cute and unique! (Not like the elephants were enough) ;)

My second project, which I just finished a few days ago, were some overalls!!!!
My friend Amy and I wanted to make this cute jumper/overall pattern my mom had from when she was a senior! So we bought jeans fabric to make them totally overalls:)

Can't wait to wear them! :)

I am currently working on another skirt made out of lighthouse fabric and lifesavers! 
(using 2.5" wide strips! It's pretty cool!)

Oh Golly! I forgot to tell you all about PARIS!!!!!!!!!! I was lucky enough to go to Paris, France with my awesome parents!!! It was sooooo much fun! I loved every moment! (Except all the stairs..) :) But it honestly was hands down one of the coolest trips EVER! I have WAYY too many pictures to share with y'all....but, I will share the picture of the oil painting I bought! If you wanna see pictures, they're on my fb, or just let me know!
(I just got it wrapped!) 

Monday, June 17, 2013


One of God's greatest creations are people. 
I am so blessed to have the family I have, and consider each and every one of them as my friend, 
but also, I am so glad to have met everyone I did these past 18 years! 

I love each person I have met with and talked to! 
I will miss my friends as I start college, but will stay in contact! :) 
But I am excited to meet more  people and make even more friends! 
Here are a few pictures of some exceptional people! 
I wish I could post hundreds of pictures of everyone, because each person I have met has made an impact on my life. <3 nbsp="" p="">

Friday, May 31, 2013


Sorry it's a week late, but I GRADUATED!!!!!!!!! 
High school is finished! 
I have accomplished 13 years of schooling and I'm off to do at least 4 more! 
But oh my goodness, Graduation night was a blast! I was on a "high" that whole night! It was just fantastic to be done! :) and then with all my family and friends there, it was a blasty blast! 
After graduation I partied hard with my friends until 3 in the morning! 
Which included: bowling, eating, mulan, swimming, eating, fire pits, and socializing while we ate!!  

 My super cute niece and me throwing gang signs and the number 2!
 My amazing family! 
(My uncle and other grandparents left early...and my brother wasn't able to attend)
 My fabulous parents! I wouldn't be where I am without them! 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Throw Back Thursday (tbt)

So my friend Kylie ( is starting Throw Back Thursday(tbt) on her blog, and I thought I would join her!  You can join too! Just go to her blog and follow the steps to connect your post with hers! (Just in case you don't know what tbt is, its where you reflect on/share something that happened in the past) 

Well this is my ah-mazing family! We've been through thick and thin! I love them soooo much and I do not know what I would do without them. I cannot wait for all of us to be together again in 1 week!!!!!! I am blessed to be part of this family! I love each of them! 


Kylie Smiles

Monday, May 6, 2013

Matthew West

Well everyone. This man is seriously Ah-mazing! I love all of his songs!
They are truly inspirational and just make you feel good about life.
My favorite album is Something to Say. 
If you are having a bad day, turn on Matthew, and your day will be better! 
I love how his songs are both upbeat and religious! 
Love. Love. Love. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


So Excited!!! I get to go to Disneyland Friday and Saturday and party in Cali for the next 3 days with all my peeps in Choir and Orchestra!!!! :) I'm super psyched! 

So, Prom was a blasty blast! It couldn't have been any better! It was sooooooooooo much fun! I'll post pics another time (or just stalk me on fb...) 

But I've been totes thinking about this next post for awhile... 
Have you ever thought about what people thought of you? Like, what if I passed away, how would people remember me? Well I have decided to definitely make myself be even more positive and optimistic, and try to be even friendlier. Hopefully he's okay with me posting this, but my friend, Kellen, is one of those people. He makes time to say hi and bye to everyone and always makes a smile appear on their face. So, thought of the day, week, month.....Think of how you're acting, and could it be better? Do you want to be remembered that way? :)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Senior Year

Graduation is in 34 days!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe I am actually 18 and graduating high school! I don't feel old enough...But what and ever! Cheers to me for almost graduating!!! :)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


 So, I decided to ask Kellen Law, one of the coolest guys around town, to PROM! Here's how: I made a poster and then on 3 of the 100 golfballs I wrote K.I.A. and placed them in his yard! He answered by calling me and returning half of them back ;) haha! It's going to be a BALL! I'll post more pics of the event once it happens! 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The college decision has been made!!!

I am going to BYU Provo for college!!!!
Sooo happy I finally made a decision! 
I cannot wait to start a new part of my life, even though it's a little scary ;)
I am going to major in Graphic Design/Visual Communications. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter (:

Easter was a blast! We got Easter dresses for the first time in practically 10 years! haha!
I loved learning more about Christ's love for us, the atonement, and resurrection. 
I love my family and the gospel of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Happy late Easter everyone! (:

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Bullet Proof Musician

Click on the Link below!

The link goes to bullet proof musician, a website/blog, that my little sister has introduced me to. This is one of my favorite little lessons, not just because it goes with the essay I am writing... on how intense stress can be harnessed to preform one's best...but because it can be applied to anything that makes you stress out. Check out some of his other posts!