Sunday, December 22, 2013


Well finals finished this past Thursday and I have been home for two days now and I LOVE it! Besides loving the fact that I'm not studying, going to class, and taking tests…..I'm loving being with my family! I honestly, hands down, have the coolest and most amazing siblings and parents EVER! They seriously are pretty awesome! If you haven't met them…you should. I just wanted to tell the world how great they are! I also wanted to say, that if you haven't been able to go to a Christmas church meeting or Christmas devotional, you really should. Today I went to one with my family, and there was a lot of beautiful music and two great talks! But another reason it was special was cause I got to hear my amazing lil sis play her violin, and my mom accompany the choir on her flute. They both are really talented! It was great and I felt so calm and peaceful. I love this time of year, it makes me stop and realize (more than usual) how blessed I am and helps me better look at the little things in life. 
Life is GREAT! 

Friday, December 13, 2013


Hope = Doing well on an Exam right before finals. We can do it! 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Have you ever had a weird desire to paint with your hair? 
If not watch this video:

Yeah, pretty amazing right? Since the first time I saw that video I have always wanted to 
*whip* my hair back and forth with paint in it! haha!
Call me crazy, but I think it's truly fantastic! 
I live with some awesome girls, and it just so happens 2 of them have always had the same dream! 
So my awesome hall activities leader planned an activity for us!!! 
Here are some pics:

 {The process}
{Some of my attractive hall mates}
 {My hair…I decided if I ever dye it, it'll be blue;)}

 {This picture>>>> (Katie is a great photo-bomber)}
{A "stamp" I made with my hair!!!}

So I feel like I should warn anyone who does this activity, that the paint takes a few washes to come out, especially if you have blonde hair….you can ask Katie :P 
But it was a blast and every girl and boy with long hair should try it!!!:) 

Thanksgiving Lovin

Hey hey hey! Sorry I didn't post anything after the 26th!  
Going home for Thanksgiving just made my schedule a little crazier! haha! 
Can I just say: I LOVED GOING HOME!!!! 
My family is amazing and I loved catching up with my friends! It was a great break from school too!!!! But now getting back into the swing of school……
(I already have a countdown to when I get to go home! 17 days!!) 
Did I already say how amazing my family is? Well they are! My mom just loves each one of us kids and my brother…..he's like any older brother;) I love him though! haha and dang! Let's just say my little sister isn't that little anymore. She is too cute for herself!!!:) And My pops! I am so grateful for his job and how helpful he is to me! 
I can't wait till I get to see my older sis and her fan bam at Christmas time! 
Well back to studying and all that other jazz!:)
