So Excited!!! I get to go to Disneyland Friday and Saturday and party in Cali for the next 3 days with all my peeps in Choir and Orchestra!!!! :) I'm super psyched!
So, Prom was a blasty blast! It couldn't have been any better! It was sooooooooooo much fun! I'll post pics another time (or just stalk me on fb...)
But I've been totes thinking about this next post for awhile...
Have you ever thought about what people thought of you? Like, what if I passed away, how would people remember me? Well I have decided to definitely make myself be even more positive and optimistic, and try to be even friendlier. Hopefully he's okay with me posting this, but my friend, Kellen, is one of those people. He makes time to say hi and bye to everyone and always makes a smile appear on their face. So, thought of the day, week, month.....Think of how you're acting, and could it be better? Do you want to be remembered that way? :)