Friday, December 28, 2012

Hot pink pencil skirt

I'm in a clothing class at school and before school finished we each made a skirt! Mine is the hot pink pencil skirt!!! I was actually able to set up the display case, so the hanging of the skirts was done by me! :)
Funny story. The black shirt on the mannequin had a logo, and the purple skirt had a sash with it, so I made the sash into a scarf, and then wa-lah! You can't see the logo any more! :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hot Chocolate

So, I don't know how I get so cold here in Arizona, but I do. So recently practically every night I have a cup of hot cocoa. It is the best thing someone has created since popped corn and burritos and cinnamon rolls and cookies and....yeah, never mind...I like food ;) But if you just need something therapeutic, just turn on some great tunes or a cheesy christmas movie and warm up with a cup of hot chocolate and a blanket! I promise it works! :) 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Andrew Allen

I am in love with Andrew Allen's voice. Check him out! He is a great singer!!!! 
Loving you tonight
I Want You
He also has a few other good songs, "Satellite" and "Your time to shine"


Since my blog title is "Happiness in every moment" I thought I'd just share that I am so happy and grateful for my family and all the people that have been in my life! I love being optimistic and I love it when people always have a smile on their face! :) I think the world is the best at thanksgiving and all the way to January, because everyone seems to notice each other more :) haha! I cannot believe how quickly this past semester of school has been! I have enjoyed every moment.